
The Seventh Vienna Impact Investment Forum will take place on November 21, 2024, with top-class investors at the Hotel Bristol

At the Seventh Vienna Impact Investment Forum organized by Advantage Family Office GmbH, which will take place all day on November 21, 2024, followed by a flying dinner at the Hotel Bristol in Vienna, interesting companies will present their business models to top-class investors in addition to expert presentations and panel discussions with international family offices. 

Seventh Venna Impact Investment Forum, November, 21, 2024

© Advantage Family Office GmbH

This series of events aims to inform family offices, foundations, institutional investors and entrepreneurs independently, comprehensively and at a high level about impact investing and to offer a professional platform in Vienna where investors can discuss with international pioneers and impact experts. In addition to keynotes and panel discussions with Austrian and international family offices, various companies will present their business models. Dagmar Nixdorf (Nixdorf Kapital AG), Regine Sixt (SIXT SE), Prince Michael von und zu Liechtenstein (Industrie- und Finanzkontor ETS), Alexander A. Brahm (Archbishopric of Hamburg), Antonis Schwarz (Good Move Initiatives), Christian Wiehenkamp (Perpetual Investors), GENUI and other investors as well as Susanne Bregy, Managing Director of the Bundesinitiative Impact Investing (BIII), who also represents the Austrian chapter, have already confirmed their participation in the panel discussions. 


The Seventh Vienna Impact Investment Forum by Advantage Family Office GmbH will take place on 21 November 2024 at the Hotel Bristol. Around 80 family offices, institutional investors and entrepreneurs are expected to attend. Please find the preliminary agenda and our offers for participation in the concept starting on page 5 on the LINK  


In previous conferences the European Investment Fund, Morningstar, Amundi, FERI Group, Morgan Stanley, Bayern-Invest, Nixdorf Kapital, HQ Capital, Vienna Insurance Group, Mercer, Gutmann Bank, numerous VCs, listed companies, private equity funds and start-ups participated. Please find the program of the previous conferences at https://www.familyoffice.at/vienna-impact-investment-forum/?lang=en 


About Advantage Family Office GmbH 

Since 2015, we have been organizing the Vienna Real Estate Salon, the Vienna Impact Investment Forum, the Vienna Capital Market Conferences and investor lunch presentations in the DACH region. These conferences are the first and only finance platform for family offices and institutional investors in Austria with an in-depth and international investor network. After 100 successfully organized investor events, more than 500 companies and 5,000 investors from the DACH region, Liechtenstein, Monaco, UK, Israel and Hong Kong have attended. We are a Direct Funding Partner in the direct network of the Vienna Stock Exchange.

For more information, visit our website www.familyoffice.at and follow us on LinkedIn.   


Registration for interested companies who would like to participate with a partnership or company presentation at office@advantage.co.at.  


All other participation options at www.familyoffice.at/impact 


Please send registrations for the press to office@advantage.co.at 


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Advantage Family Office GmbH
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Friedrichstraße 7, 1010 Wien

Kurz vor ihrem Studienabschluss im Jahr 2017 gründete Kristina Giacomelli, im Alter von 24 Jahren, das Einzelunternehmen Sangreal Properties, welches seit 2020 als Sangreal Properties Immobilientreuhand GmbH operiert und bekannt ist. Innerhalb kürzester Zeit etablierte sich das Wiener ImmobilienmaklerInnenbüro am heimischen Immobilienmarkt und wächst stetig an großartigen MitarbeiterInnen und Auftraggebern. Wenn es um die Vermittlung von hochwertigen Wohnbauprojekten, spektakulären High-End-Immobilien oder An- und Verkauf von einzigartigen Gründerzeitzinshäusern in Wien und Wien-Umgebung geht, ist Sangreal Properties der richtige Partner, auf den man sich verlassen kann. Wir selbst sehen uns nicht als klassische Immobilienvermittlung sondern als Matchmaker. Wie auch privat bei der Partnersuche, muss es auch bei der Wohnungssuche „Klick“ machen.



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