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PTE PropTech Events

Educating, exchanging and rethinking the Real Estate industry.


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PTE PropTech Events

PTE PropTech Events

Educating, exchanging and rethinking the Real Estate industry.

PTE PropTech Events is your partner for creating unique and high-impact events that enable knowledge sharing and networking at the highest level. With our extensive expertise and passion for the real estate world, we specialize in bridging the gap between traditional real estate companies and the dynamic tech industry. Our services include organizing and hosting our own exclusive events that provide a platform for intensive dialogue between key players in both industries. In doing so, we rely on innovative formats to provide participants with fresh perspectives and in-depth industry knowledge.


Aktuell sind 2 Mitarbeiter von PTE PropTech Events registriert.

Lisa Bozic

Lisa Bozic

Lisa Bozic

Lisa Bozic




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